Another Side by Side

Another Side by Side

Erik Anderson and Mark DeLong have their third”Side by Side” plein air show with all new works, most from this year, at the Huron Public Library gallery August 1st through the end of September 2024. These pieces are some of their best and it’s so...
Group Show – TAG Port Clinton

Group Show – TAG Port Clinton

Come and see “Street Nova” on canvas and in person as part of my collection in “Five Most Wanted” at The Arts Garage in Port Clinton from 6-8 Saturday evening February 3rd for an opening reception. Myself and four other talented contemporary artists will be on hand. A...
My Solo Exhibition – June 10-July 9, 2022

My Solo Exhibition – June 10-July 9, 2022

It has been quite a while since I have shared any news or any new paintings, but it was all with very good reason. I’ve been working away on many new pieces since the start of 2022, which will be included in my first solo exhibition starting June 10th. In...
Commence the bidding!

Commence the bidding!

Tomorrow begins the first auction of six of my original paintings and I’m so excited! It’s always fun to try something new, something that gets people excited about art and could, potentially, find new homes for some of my art “babies!” Take a...